Infection Control Recommendations

  • US Public Health Service Guidelines for the Management of Occupational Exposures to HBV, HCV, and HIV and Recommendations for Postexposure Prophylaxis (2001)  click here .  **Please note that some portions of this guideline have been updated by later publications.


  • Click here for the latest recommendations from the CDC about HIV postexposure prophylaxis (“Updated US Public Health Service Guidelines for the Management of Occupational Exposure to HIV and Recommendations for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis 2013”).


  • For the latest recommendations from the CDC about HBV in health care workers and PEP after a stick check out his page.


  • For additional information about infection control in all healthcare facilities,  click here


  • For information about health care workers who have Hepatitis B (2012), click here and here.


  • For Questions and Answers about Hepatitis B, the Hepatitis B vaccine, titer testing, and boosters, check out this information from the CDC. click here



  • Here is the new standard that updates the 2005 TB testing guidelines for healthcare workers.


  • To help prevent the transmission of respiratory infections in the dental office, the CDC recommends that patients use proper “cough etiquette“.


  • For new guidelines to prevent the flu among health care workers, click here


  • For information about Immunization of Health Care Workersclick here


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